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Abstract |
A high-quality real-time pitch-shifting algorithm by a time-varying
factor for audio and m usical signals is presented. The pitch-shifting
algorithm is based on the resam pling and tim e-scale modification
m ethod. A new time-scale modification algorithm has been developed
which is called the Normalized Filtered Correlation Time-
Scale Modification (NFC-TSM) method. In order to modify the
time-scale of the signal, some segments of the signal are repeated
or discarded. The best splicing point is searched in the normalized
low-pass filtered signal using the Average Magnitude Difference
Function (AMDF). The new method is applicable to real-time
pitch-shifting of musical signals with high-quality.
Status |
A manusript has been sent to the 10th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-07), Bordeaux, France, September 10-15, 2007
to be reviewed.
Sound samples |