Jari Kleimola
Design and Implementation of a Software Sound Synthesizer

Sound Examples

Here are couple of sound examples that were generated using Phuzor (the synthesizer implemented in the work), for thesis evaluation section and for the presentation. The samples were recorded at 44.1 kHz 16 bit monaural, and then converted to 256 kbit/s mp3 format. For spectrum and time domain plots, refer to the pdf files in the front page.

Note: sounds were normalized to -6 dB level, so you may want to check the volume levels of your speakers/headphones before trying these out.

-- Basic sawtooth waves

Two notes generated by Phuzor's sawtooth oscillator. There's no aliasing, and both waves contain a full set of harmonics. And do sound ugly.

    Phuzor stock sawtooth -- 5 seconds middle C + 5 seconds octave below middle C (mp3 313 kB)

Two notes generated by Phuzor's sample- and spectral oscillators. The original wav sample file contained aliasing at the top part of the spectrum. The steady-state sample was then converted into its spectral representation, and loaded into Phuzor's spectral oscillator. The aliasing disappeared, but because partial's exact frequency and phase information was discarded in the conversion process (only amplitudes were used), the sound is not identical to the original sample.

    Minimoog sample and its spectral incarnation -- 5 seconds sample + 5 seconds spectral (mp3 364 kB)

-- Supersaw

Two notes generated by Phuzor's multiphase oscillator, giving output equivalent of 7 oscillators slightly detuned in relation to each other. Stock sawtooth and square waveforms were used below, but any single cycle waveforms could have been used as well (including spectral definitions and wav samples).

    Phuzor supersaw and supersquare -- 5 seconds superSaw + 5 seconds superSquare (mp3 357 kB)

-- FM electric piano

Two notes rendering Yamaha's DX7-II factory patch 'FullTines'. First note is generated by Native Instruments FM7, and the second by Phuzor. Phuzor's rendition is not exact replica of FM7's, because only algorithm, operator output level and EG settings were used in Phuzor's patch.

    FM7 and Phuzor FullTines -- 5 seconds FM7 + 5 seconds Phuzor (mp3 313 kB)

-- XOR-modulated plucked string

Four notes. First two notes of basic Karplus-Strong string, followed by two notes adding square wave XOR-modulation to the signal. In both cases, the output is routed through Phuzor's internal reverb.

    Clean and Dirty KS -- 3 + 3 seconds basic Karplus-Strong, pause, 5 + 5 seconds XOR (mp3 600 kB)

For more sound examples and information on plugin, visit Phuzor's homepage.

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Last updated 2005-09-20

Contact: jari.kleimola [-at-] fonet.fi